All You Need to Know about CPL Classes in Louisiana

For many people, owning a handgun is becoming a way of life. There are more than 2 million concealed firearms permits (CFP) or CCW licenses that have been issued across the nation. By having your CFP, you will be joined by millions of trusted gun owners who you can turn to if you ever risk being in an unsafe situation while on the road. Learn all about how to obtain a CFP and what this permit allows you to do along with other helpful information on this subject.

Nevertheless, CPL stands for Concealed Pistol License. The write-up will also help you understand the necessity of a gun permit in Louisiana or wherever you put in. So, without further ado; let’s cut to the chase!

What is the Concealed Pistol License?

The Concealed Pistol License (CPL) is the name given to the license that allows a person to carry any firearm legally, both openly and concealed. A CPL does not specify what kind of firearm it is but rather indicates to the law enforcement agencies what purpose will be used for carrying a weapon. The weapons can range from pistols or revolvers to rifles and shotguns even though this document has been more popularly known as a pistol license due to its main purpose. Processing time to obtain this license may vary depending on various factors. However, it takes at least 2-3 weeks for most cases. Remember, concealed carry permit is indispensable in Louisiana to legally carry a firearm.

CPL Eligibility

Concealed Pistol License applicants must meet a long checklist of prerequisites and eligibility factors for the license to be granted to an individual. In order for you to obtain your concealed pistol license in Louisiana, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must either be a citizen of the US or have Green Card.
  • Your age must not be lesser than 21 years.
  • You must have a valid Louisiana State ID.
  • You must have taken CPL training classes

Nevertheless, if you are 20.5 years old, you can still take training by attending a concealed carry class in Louisiana.

What You May Expect from a CPL Class

In Louisiana, there are several CPL classes available for $100 and they do not include the price of a firearm, ammunition, or shooting range access. Here you'll have the chance to learn first-hand practical advice on when the best time to use that handgun is and how you can stay safe in a dangerous situation using those self-defense techniques you'll hear about in class. You will also be able to take aim at a firing range and see for yourself how easy it is to destroy an old Hello Kitty mailbox with just one bullet!

This course takes about 8 to 9 hours; depending upon where you are learning. Nevertheless, if you want to get top-notch concealed carry training in Louisiana, you can contact Bearco Training. It is a pretty reputed and renowned practical defensive shooting training center.


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